Sunday, November 30, 2008

6 Weeks & 3 Days...but who's counting?

With all of the excitement the holidays bring it is easy to forget that very shortly after Christmas and New Year's, I will be off to Las Vegas for Miss America 2009. I have recently realized an advantage warm states have over cold states, specifically in the swimsuit catergory. Taking today as an example, it is cold (about 25 degrees), grey, and dreary. I am one who cannot stand running on a treadmill and I will have to somehow motivate myself to run out in the cold. brrr...

I am looking forward to the month of December. I have several Right Decisions Right Now appearances and several Christmas themed gatherings to attend. I have really enjoyed my RDRN apperances. I have been amazed at the critical thinking skills some middle and junior school children have. They have been a source of inspiration to me.

I need to update you on an exciting apperance that happened the week before last. Two Monday's ago I was in my second gown fitting, with pins sticking in and out of me, when my cell phone rang and it was an unknown Boston number. I decided to answer despite the pins and am sure glad I did. It was the Boston Celtics informing me of an Anthem singer cancellation they had for the next night's game against the New York Knicks. They were wondering if I could be in Boston 24 hours later. I did some rearranging of a very packed schedule and said "of course!". My mother and father graciously drove me to Boston and escorted me through the evening at the TD Banknorth Garden (which we still, in my family, call... "The Boston Garden"). In true form several of my amazing girlfriends from Saint Michael's College managed tickets and were there just in time to see me perform. (Thanks Tracy, Aimee, Leah, & Jill!) It was a thrill singing at the Garden.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and is looking forward to the rest of the holiday season.


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