Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Per my sister's suggestion, it is time to add another entry. It has been long since I last updated, I know, and I apoligize. Two weeks ago I graduated from Saint Michael's College and then took a one week sun and beach holiday with my girlfriends.

I returned from our Florida R&R trip one day earlier then the other ladies. I flew in last Friday night and drove to the Northeast kingdom. The next morning I judged company auditions for the Dance Workshop of Lyndonville. Judging company auditions is a job I take seriously. The Dance Workshop (my true alma mater) is an asset to the young dancers in the community. Under the direction of Sonia Deveroux and Kay Welch young men and women learn true grace, poise, and confidence. I was proud to return to the studio on Saturday!

Sunday was a big day. I stayed in Burlington with my mother and two grandmothers on Saturday night. We rose with the sun (maybe before?) to get to the waterfront in Burlington for the Vermont City Marathon. It was my fifth year taking part in the VCM. This year their were 8,000 runners and at least as many spectators. I sang the National Anthem and ran the last leg of the marathon for my relay team: "The NEK Queens". I did not nail the anthem. I hate walking off a stage feeling that i did not sing my best. I started on too high a key and had to compensate on the big notes. Oh Well. It will be better next time. Running the final leg was awesome. I had a blast. I did not push mytself to run a fast race pace. To be honest, I just enjoyed the 5.8 miles. I looked around at the other runners, the supportive spectators (many with signs of encourage, water hoses, and orange slices), and the incredible scenery of the great state of Vermont. My leg was along the bikepath on the waterfront. What a view! I crossed the finish line with my crown on my head. My mother met me outside the finish area with bobby pins and my crown so i could run the last half mile with the crown on. The thousands of spectators on the waterfront were very responsive. :)

This week I have started working with my personal trainer to get in shape for Miss America. I have over 7 months to become Miss America. I look forward to ever grueling step.

The biggest news and shoutout of the week goes to Shelley Martin and Able Toll at Quality Suzuki in Saint Johnsbury. Under the generous direction of Shelley and Able, Quality Suzuki, is partnering with the Miss Vermont Scholarship Organization by donating a new Suzuki SX4 crossover vehicle for my reign. I was flattered and honored to receive this incredibly generous sponsorship. The car is being decaled as i write and I can't wait to start driving it. One thing is for sure, with all the decals on the car, if I am on the won't miss me!

All My Best,

p.s. I enjoy reading your responses. Thanks for all the support!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Crazy/Beautiful Week

I thought "beauty sleep" was a comical excuse for wanting to call it a night. This morning however, while dabbing a pound of concealer under my eyes, I realized "beauty sleep" does in fact exist and I am not getting it. Thank God for under eye concealer.

A little re-cap...This week has been a blast. Besides Sunday's interview with WCAX which I wrote about in last week's post, I was honored to be interviewed on Lana and Nolan in the morning on Star 92.9, as well as taped and conducted live interviews with WKOL 100.5, WOKO 98.9, WIRY 1340, WGMT 97.7, and KIX 105.5. Tomorrow morning I will be on live on WLFE from 7am to 8am co-hosting with Paul Beaudry. Other than interviews, I was humbled to sing the National Anthem at the March of Dimes, March for Babies on the Waterfront in Burlington on Saturday morning and greet walkers at the March for Babies in Lyndonville this morning. What an incredible and altruistic organization! I hope to partner with them throughout the year. Their work is so admirable. Last night I was a guest at the Miss New Hampshire Scholarship Pageant. I was blown away at their level of Scholarship and their caliber of production. During the opening number I thought for a moment I was at Miss America. The talent and poise of all the ladies competing for the title of Miss NH 2008 was incredible. The evening concluded by the crowning of Natalie Shaw. Congratulations Natalie! It was at Miss NH 2008, I realized how special this job is. I was reminded just how hard young women all around the nation work to even compete for their state title. It was humbling to sit in the audience with a crown on my head knowing that I am one of only 52 women going to Miss America.

The most challanging moment of the week came on Friday morning. I had been at my first photo shoot on Thursday night in St. Albans and had to be back in St. Albans at 7:15am on Friday. Friday was also the day the final edition of my senior thesis was due. After my photo shoot I returned home to Burlington. I revised my thesis for the final time and made it to bed at about 1am. At 5:45am I was up with the sun to primp and get to St. Albans for a radio interview. When I arrived at my destination (coffee in hand!) the building I was suppossed to be at was locked and empty. Long story short, there was a bit of misscommunication and the show was actually being brodcast only 4 miles from my house in Burlington. This was the first moment of my reign that my lack of sleep and emotional nature were ready to overtake my tear ducts. My first thought was that such challanges would happen throughout my year and if I handled a frustrating situation with a smile now, I would be more likely to handle the next frustrating situation the same way. To make lemonade out of lemons I found the local high school and introduced myself to the guidance office, left my contact information, and offered to hold a voter registration drive in the Fall. Even though that offer could have been made via phone or e-mail, I felt better about making the 60 mile round trip.

My greatest moment of the week came this morning after the March for Babies registration. I went to my hometown church, the United Methodist Church of Lyndonville. They are the most supportive and loving community and I am blessed to have them. I was honored to serve communion to my church family at the kind request of Paster Barb. It was truly an honor. Barb's sermon this morning was called "Home Alone" and Barb spoke about how the disciples must have felt after Jesus left them in body and they only had the spirit to guide them. The point was that the spirit is enough to achieve anything. One facet of her sermon talked about how timing is everything and that God has a plan...we just have to ride the wave. I could not have scripted a better message for me to hear this morning. I do feel as though everything happens for a reason and that this year is the perfect year for me to have this title because I can give so much of myself to the organization and the state in which I was born and raised.

My total miles for week one equal 663!
This week's shout out must go to my mother who graciously drove me to and from Derry, New Hampshire last night (after working a full day). I would not have been able to go without her. And I certainly would have needed more concealer without the nap I took on the car ride down. I love you Mom and with Mother's Day upon us I think this is the perfect time to tell you that I am who I am and do what I do because of the gracious, generous, and loving example you have set for me.

All My Best,